Message from the Administrative Lead Institution’s General Manager 音声読み上げなし
Osaka University has been selected as the administrative lead institution for the adoption of the H.30 Subsidized Project on Science and Technology HR Development, “Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (All Nippon Core Institutions [Group]) (2018-2023)” with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and IBM Japan as co-leading institutions, and the Science Council of Japan supporting.
This organization will closely work with MEXT* to improve the current environment and research capabilities surrounding women in research by creating the “All Nippon Diversity Network” to connect institutions nationwide and address issues on changing workplace culture and work style reform in order to promote the advancement of women researchers in our nation.
* Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
To maximize the effectiveness of this initiative, the nation has been divided into eight blocks, with administrative lead universities in each block developing activities best suited to meet regional characteristics. To manage each block, the “All Nippon Diversity Network Organization” was created in November 2018 with the support from MEXT.
Additionally, in collaboration with IBM Japan, the “All Nippon Diversity Network Platform” web system will be developed to connect private companies as well as include future women in research in an open, diverse online community. Furthermore, to prepare for realizing such a diverse research environment, a survey supported by the Science Council of Japan will be implemented, and an analysis of the results will be published.
I hope to drive creative insight and energy into this initiative that will inspire the acceleration of diversity and, in turn, contribute to the implementation of more diversity in research environments nationwide. My only wish is for everyone’s sincere support and cooperation for this way forward.
All Nippon Diversity Network General Manager
NISHIO Shojiro
President, Osaka University