
Site Policy 音声読み上げ

  1. Administrator
    This website is administered by Osaka University, the administrative lead of H.30 Subsidized Project on Science and
    Technology HR Development by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology “Initiative for
    Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment (All Nippon Core Institutions (Group)).”
  2. Copyright
    Osaka University retains copyright to this site. However, the copyright to some of the content of this site belongs to the participating institutions of the All Nippon Diversity Network Organization. The content of this site may not be
    transferred or reproduced without permission, except to the extent permitted by law.
  3. Links
    The external websites linked to this site are managed under the responsibility of the respective sites’ administrators. We will neither guarantee the contents of such websites nor bear the responsibility for any trouble or damage arising from
    the use of such sites.
  4. Collection of user information
    When collecting private information on this website (in conducting questionnaires, etc.), we will clearly state its
    purposes of use on the web page. The information will not be used for any purpose other than the specified purposes.
    In cases where we provide information to contractors, etc., we will conclude a confidentiality agreement and manage
    and use the information in an appropriate manner.
  5. Protection of private information
    When collecting private information on this website, we will comply with the Osaka University Privacy Policy.
  6. Inquiries about this site
    For inquiries about this website, please contact below:
    All Nippon Diversity Network Secretariat
    E-mail: info■
    (To send an e-mail, please change ■ to @.)

