
All Nippon Diversity Network Organization 音声読み上げ

On November 14, 2018, 21 Administrative Lead candidate universities were called for the “Preparatory Committee for the Organization of the All Nippon Diversity Network”, to form the “All Nippon Diversity Network Organization” on November 26, 2018.

This Organization is comprised of eight regional blocks and led by each administrative lead university. The participating institutions are as follows:

On February 07, 2019 the first “All Nippon Diversity Network Steering Committee” was held. Concurrently, the kick off symposium was also held with each administrative university from the eight regional blocks announcing the list of their participating institutions and presenting regional block action goals.

As the administrative lead, Osaka University leads and manages the All Nippon Diversity Network, together with Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology as sub-lead to support and expand the network activities of the eight regional blocks.

In order to fully expand the All Nippon Diversity Network, actions will be taken to call on national, (prefectural and other) public university, private universities and colleges to take part in this initiative.

Administrative Universities

Hokkaido Block Hokkaido University, Muroran Institute of Technology
Tohoku Block Tohoku University, Yamagata University, Iwate University
Tokyo Block The University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (Deputy Representative Secretariat), Tokyo Metropolitan University
Kanto/Koshinetsu Block University of Tsukuba, Niigata University
Tokai/Hokuriku Block Kanazawa University, Nagoya University
Kinki Block Kyoto University, Osaka University (Chairman secretariat), Kobe University, Ritsumeikan University
Chugoku/Shikoku Block Okayama University, Hiroshima University, Tokushima University, Ehime University
Kyushu/Okinawa Block Nagasaki University

