
Using the All Nippon Diversity Network name and logo 音声読み上げ

To the participating institutions

The participating institutions may use the name and logo of the All Nippon Diversity Network for seminars, symposiums, etc., in accordance with the following operational rules .

◆ Name to be used
All Nippon Diversity Network

◆ Logo to be used





◆ If you wish to use the name and logo
Please contact the All Nippon Diversity Network Secretariat (c/o Center for Diversity & Inclusion, Osaka University) and
provide the purpose of using the name and logo and when you wish to start using them. The secretariat will make a
decision concerning the permission for use.

◆ Notes
・ Please obtain permission to use the name and logo each occasion you wish to use them.
・ When using the logo, please follow the OPENeD Logo Design Guidelines.
Please click the link for the OPENeD Logo Design Guidelines (PDF).

◆ When using the name and logo
If you have used the name and logo, please provide an article for posting on the All Nippon Diversity Network website.
Example: If you have used them on event posters, please provide an article for posting on the Event Information page.
If you have used them in the leaflets prepared by your area block, please provide an article for positing on the Area Block Activity Report page.

◆ Contact
All Nippon Diversity Network Secretariat
(c/o Center for Diversity & Inclusion, Osaka University)
E-mail: info■
*To send an e-mail, please change ■ to @.


The link banner and QR code for linking to the All Nippon Diversity Network website are available. Please contact the
secretariat if you wish to use them.

・Banners(3 types)




・QR code

